Gift Comparison Chart

Compare Planned Gifts Side-by-Side

Your Planned Giving Cheat Sheet!

This customized, attractive Gift Comparison Chart (“Cheat Sheet” or “Reference Chart” as some call it) is branded with your mission statement, logo, colors, photos, and compares planned gifts at-a-glance. We supply you with a high-resolution PDF (which you can use to print yourself), or we can handle the printing for you. The simple, unbranded version can be purchased online here.

A smaller version of the Gift Comparison Chart also comes with our Pocket Guide for Fundraisers. It’s a foldout located in the front of The Guide.

The Gift Comparison Chart is an excellent companion to Planned Giving “Sell” Sheets and Ways-of-Giving brochures.

Complete Specifications/Details (PDF)


Uses and Benefits

*The classic version of this chart was originally created by Deborah Blackmore, John Foster, and Viken Mikaelian at the University of Pennsylvania, Office of Gift Planning, in 1988. Since then, it has served as a valuable tool for nonprofit organizations nationwide and planned giving vendors in the industry. The classic unbranded version can still be purchased online here.

Other Formats and Uses

This is the expanded print version of our popular online interactive chart used on institutional planned giving websites and planned giving microsites. Other versions of the chart are included in the Pocket Guide and Ways-of-Giving brochures.




Real Estate

Personal Property

Retirement Plan Assets, IRA

Life Insurance

Retained Life Interest

Bargain Sale

Charitable Gift Annuity

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Lead Trust

The following issues are summarized for each gift plan:

  • How does it work?
  • A good fit for donors who want to …
  • How does donor make the gift?
  • Donor benefits (and how to describe it to them)
  • Reduce estate tax (Yes, No, etc.)
  • Reduce income tax (Yes, No, etc.)
  • Reduce or eliminate capital gains tax
  • Get income back from the gift
  • Give an asset but keep enjoying it
  • “More” column (misc.)
  • How does it help the nonprofit?
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Bequests are up, cash is down. Empower your donors to plan their will and invest their legacy in the cause they support the most.

Please reach out. Note: if you give us your mailing address (or PO Box), we’ll send you a complimentary Planned Giving Gift Comparison Chart. 

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